El foro mundial de Economía premia a los jovenes Etíopes
Liya Kebede ( top modelo) y a Abede Gellaw (reportero y jornalista)
"...por su compromiso social y profesional, ademas de su gran potencial
para contribuir a la construcción de un mejor futuro"; aperecen en la lista
de 197 premiados de un total de 5000 nominados de todo el mundo
En dicha lista de Jovenes Lideres del mundo aparecen entre otros el campeón de
Tenis Roger Federer;
Evan Williams, co-fundador de Twitter;
Wyclef Jean cantante y creador de la fundación Yélé de Haití;
Steven Chen, co-fundador y tecnologo de Youtube;
Jon Favorue, redactor principal de discursos de Obama;
Mandla Mandela, nieto de N. Mandela y miembro del
parlamento de Sudáfrica;
Principe Khalid Bin Bandar, Sultan.
Además de 16 ministros de alrededor de todo
el globo, de edad inferior a los 40 años,
hay que destacar que el promedio femenino mas alto de todos los años,
ha alcanzado el 38% en la lista de 2010 de entre 72 países
para mas información sobre "the Forum of Young Global Leaders"
visite los siguientes enlaces:
* List of YGLs honoured in 2010
* List of the YGL community
* List of the YGL Selection Committee
* List of the YGL task forces or visit http://www.redesignourworld.com
* Visit our YGL YouTube channel at http://www.youtube.com/yglvoices
* Follow us on Twitter at http://twitter.com/YGLvoices
* Nominate a potential Young Global Leader through our website
About The Forum of Young Global Leaders
Established in 2004 by Professor Klaus Schwab, The Forum of Young Global Leaders is a unique, multistakeholder community of the world’s most extraordinary young leaders who dedicate a part of their time to jointly address global challenges and who are committed to devote part of their knowledge and energy to collectively work towards a better future. Together the Young Global Leaders work to discover innovative solutions to today’s most pressing problems through various initiatives and workstreams, as well as catalysing the next generation of leaders.
The World Economic Forum is an independent international organization committed to improving the state of the world by engaging leaders in partnerships to shape global, regional and industry agendas. Incorporated as a foundation in 1971 and based in Geneva, Switzerland, the World Economic Forum is impartial and not-for-profit; it is tied to no political, partisan or national interests. (www.weforum.org )